Brr… the cooler air is a sign that winter is on its way. It’s also a sign that you should be getting your RV winterized and ready for storage if you don’t use it in the winter.
Winterizing an RV, in the most basic terms, is getting your RV prepared for below freezing temperatures. If you don’t protect the RV plumbing system, any water remaining in the water lines or tanks can freeze and expand, potentially breaking fittings and lines. You don’t want to be getting your RV out of storage in the spring, only to find burst pipes or damage to your RV.
The 5 step process needs to be done before the first freeze. The entire plumbing system is flushed, drained, and then filled with antifreeze to remove all traces of water that could freeze over the winter. For RVs with dishwashers and/or washing machines, the process ensures these appliances are also winterized. A water heater bypass kit is useful when winterizing as it maximizes how much antifreeze you need because it doesn’t go through your water heater.
After you have addressed your RV’s plumbing system, there’s a few more steps you’ll want to address before closing your RV up for the season. It’s recommended to read your battery instructions for safely storing them over the winter. You’ll also want check the exterior of your RV to ensure there aren’t any cracks and that your awnings are dry. For the interior, you’ll want to make sure your seals are still in good condition. Moisture will be the biggest concern when storing your RV for long periods of time. You can purchase moisture absorbing products to help prevent moisture build up. Depending on where you store your RV, RV Covers are always a great option for keeping out debris and protecting your RV from the elements.
While winterizing can be done by yourself with our 5 step process, we recommend booking an appointment to get your RV in and serviced by professionals to ensure the job is done correctly. Our service team at Fraserway RV offers winterizing services that will give you peace of mind for your RV.